NSF Excursion - Log 002

 27 Jan 3309

Neutron stars proved to be a challenge. With the small fuel tanks of Gallofree Storm and the intense demands made on her FSD, I ended up parked in the empty four-thousand light years from home and much farther from my intended destination. A call to the Fuel Rats p[provided a solution, to no surprise to any traveler.

The kind rat (their chosen terminology, not my own) provided enough fuel to allow me to travel eleven light years to the nearest fuel star where I put the substantial ability of my fuel scoop to use. I've a new appreciation for the little module. I believe I'll consider this small addition to the Gallofree Storm more sincerely in the days to come. I also have a new found appreciation for the longer route. Neutron stars cut much of the time but nearly all of the enjoyment from a journey. I begin now to understand those passengers of my past life who wished to simply view those things which they had heard of but not seen. This trip has afforded me the opportunity to see things I've not yet heard of. It should be humbling but I find that it encourages me to seek out more of the mystery of the unknown.

Am I rehashing my own logs? I feel I've covered this all before. The days fade in the black. Speaking of, I should focus a bit more on timeliness. Colonia isn't going anywhere but I still need to arrive eventually. I intend to put more effort into traveling my course and a bit less into investigating every interesting nook and cranny of every system I pass through. I wish myself no luck at all in this endeavor. It sounds entirely dull and without passion. But it is what I must say to myself or they will surely find me eons from now perched on my canopy on some remote rock with a  stupid abut satisfied grin on my foolish face.


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